Sort and Filter functions in the search result page support you in finding the best accommodation offers as quickly as possible.
- Sort function at the top of the search page enables you to order accommodation search results according to your preference, such as price, rating, distance, guest recommendation, and other criteria.
- The Filter function enables you to include or exclude various options to suit your travel needs.
By default, if you do not use either Sort or Filter function, your search results may be ordered based on two factors:
- The nearest distance to the destination/landmark you searched for
- Property ratings based on top reviews
- Price: sorts your search results based on the property price from high to low and low to high
- Rating: sorts your search results based on the accommodation star rating from 5 stars to 1 star and 1 star to 5 stars.
- Distance from downtown: sorts properties nearest to the location you searched for.
- Property Rank: sorts properties based on transactional data and details about the property.
- Top Rated: sorts properties with the outstanding ratings based on our data.
- Guest Recommended: sorts by the percentage of guests who recommend staying at this property. Use this option to get the properties with the highest recommendation score display first.
- Search Hotels: filters properties by name once the hotel/property name is entered.
- Price per night: filters properties by price range once the minimum and maximum price range is selected.
- Popular Filters: we show the most common filters here that help you easily find the best choice from one or more filters.
- Star Rating: filters by desired minimum star rating, e.g. only 5-star hotels, both 4-star and 5-star hotels, etc.
- Guest Review: filters by guest review types, including Excellent, Very Good, etc.
- Property Type: filters by property types, e.g. Hotel, Villa, Apartment, etc.
- Amenities: filters by desired amenities, e.g. Swimming Pool, Free WiFi, etc.
- Hotel Chain: filters by properties that belong to a particular hotel chain.